Wednesday, August 19, 2009

101 Uses for a Ripe Garden Tomato: #2--Soupy Potato, Tomato, and Onion Bake

Ok, I think what we had for dinner is actually called something like Potato, Tomato, and Onion Gratin, but mine turned out very soupy, probably 'cause I don't follow directions very closely and don't worry too much about the quantities of specific ingredients. Or of specific ingredients, for that matter :)

Although more soupy than gratiny, our dinner was delicious. The main ingredients were potatoes, tomatoes*, and onions*--no, DUH--with minor players garlic*, thyme*, and Fontina cheese. I layered them and then smothered them in a mixture of (more than a little bit of) heavy cream and chicken broth**, and baked it until...*

* Fresh from the O-garden.
** Homemade, of course. Try it and you'll never go back to canned.

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